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In this page you can learn how to setup DesmJS within your application, and how you can use it to create a DesmosClient to query the chain data and perform transactions.


yarn add @desmoslabs/desmjs @desmoslabs/desmjs-types


Creating a DesmosClient

A DesmosClient instance allows you to interact with the chain and (optionally) sign transactions. To create an instance you have two options:

  1. using the connect method, if you need to just fetch data from the chain;
  2. using the connectWithSigner method, if you need also to create and sign transactions.

The RPC endpoints required from connect and connectWithSigner can be found here:

Instantiating with connect

import {DesmosClient} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs"

const client = await DesmosClient.connect('');

Instantiating with connectWithSigner

import {DesmosClient, GasPrice, OfflineSignerAdapter, SigningMode} from "@desmoslabs/desmjs"

const mnemonic = ""
const signer = await OfflineSignerAdapter.fromMnemonic(SigningMode.DIRECT, mnemonic);
const client = await DesmosClient.connectWithSigner('', signer, {
// Common gas price in the Desmos mainnet.
gasPrice: GasPrice.fromString("0.01udsm"),
Check your application security

In the above example we are using a OfflineSignerAdapter to create a Signer instance that is based on an unencrypted mnemonic to sign the transactions. If you want to use the same, make sure the mnemonic is never stored in plain text inside your application!

Signer types

In order to allow you to easily integrate with existing wallets, we provide multiple Signer implementations, such as

You can view the entire list of Signer implementations visiting the Packages page.