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Interface: ProfilesV3Extension




Readonly profilesV3: Object

Type declaration

applicationLinkByClientID(clientId: string) => Promise<QueryApplicationLinkByClientIDResponse>Queries a single application link for a given client id.
applicationLinkOwners(application?: string, username?: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryApplicationLinkOwnersResponse>Queries the application link owners with an optional application and username. The username will be used only if the application is specified as well.
applicationLinks(user?: string, application?: string, username?: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryApplicationLinksResponse>Queries a single application link for a given user, searching via the application name and username.
chainLinkOwners(chainName?: string, target?: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryChainLinkOwnersResponse>Queries chain link owners for an optional chain name and user. The specified target will be used only if a chain name is specified as well.
chainLinks(user?: string, chainName?: string, target?: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryChainLinksResponse>Queries chain links for the given user.
defaultExternalAddresses(user?: string, chainName?: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryDefaultExternalAddressesResponse>Queries the default external addresses for an optional user and chain name. The specified chain name will be used only if a user is specified as well.
incomingDTagTransferRequests(address: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryIncomingDTagTransferRequestsResponse>Queries all the DTag transfers requests that have been made towards the user with the given address.
params() => Promise<QueryParamsResponse>Queries the module parameters.
profile(user: string) => Promise<null | Profile>Queries the profile of a specific user given their DTag or address. If the queried user does not have a profile, the returned response will contain null instead.

Defined in
